Women's ministry

Hope Women's Ministries are intended to provide opportunities for women to grow in faith and serve others through every stage of life.   See the calendar below for a schedule of coming events.

  • women of Hope

    Our purpose is to seek to glorify God by creating a fellowship of women that are growing in their walk with the Lord, serving others, and loving one another while enjoying various church and regional events that strengthen our bonds of Christian fellowship.

    Women of Hope was formed to: 1) Further the Gospel of Jesus and to provide a means of Christian ministry and fellowship in our church and community; 2) Help promote the work of Hope Church and the synodical ministries of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America, by means of prayer and financial support.

    Click here to visit the Women's Ministries of the Pacific Region website

  • WomEN'S PRAYER  -  tuesdays - 10:00AM

    Tuesday mornings at 10:00am, join with other Hope women for a time of sharing and praying for each other, 

    our church and our world. Be a blessing to one another and start your day off with your sisters in Christ!

  • adult sunday school  -  sundays,  9:15am


    The “Joining Jesus” video curriculum takes groups on a journey of insight and discovery for joining Jesus

    in the places they already live, work and play. Consisting of 10 eight-minute videos, the curriculum leads participants through a process of discovery: 

        1) how does Jesus disciple His followers in the gospels, and

        2) how can we use those insights to craft a plan for discipling our family and friends.

  • Women's Retreat - October 4-6, 2024      FALL CREEK RETREAT CENTER   Raymond, WA   

    Fellowship is an important part of our faith journey. Are you looking to deepen your friendships with fellow Christian women in your area? Could you use some time away to refresh your mind, soul, and body? How about some time to let your soul breathe as you seek the Lord away from all of the distractions of daily life? Our Regional Fall Women’s Retreat is the perfect balance of rest, fellowship, relaxation, learning, and fun.  

    Click Here to visit our Pacific Region Women's Ministries Website for more info!

upcoming events

Oct 4-6    Women's Retreat - Falls Creek Retreat Crt., Raymond, WA

Feb 28-Mar 2   LEAD Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR