borderless - missions to mexico

In 2006, Hope Church heard the call to serve in the rural border communities of the Mexicali Valley in Baja California. We continue to answer that call each spring by sending a team to share the love of Christ with our hermanos in Mexico! And Hope is not alone in this effort. We are also joined by other teams from around the U.S. working in conjunction with Borderless Mexico Outreach. While in Mexico, we work with local churches to reach children and families in their own communities with God's peace and hope. Please pray for churches on both sides of the border as we participate in the great work of God's kingdom - sin fronteras!


Hope Church at Silver Lake seeks to provide, for its members and friends, the opportunity to experience ministry in a cross-cultural context. To this end Hope Church, in cooperation with Borderless Mexico Outreach, takes part in an annual outreach trip to the Mexicali Valley (Baja) area of Mexico. For those who go, the trip is a life-changing opportunity to: 

       Participate actively in mission (i.e. the work of God on earth)

       Gain an expanded perspective of Christ’s church, and

       Develop/Renew a passion for outreach, both abroad & at home

We share God's heart for the people of Mexico by serving the local community in practical ways. These include:

       Outreach:  to men, women & children  (i.e. Bible studies, Vacation Bible School ,Sport Camps & Visitation)

       Community Development:  (i.e. Healthcare, Education & Construction Projects)

Ultimately, this experience deepens the faith of each believer as we participate with God in His ongoing and Christ-exalting work in the lives of our neighbors in Mexico.